2025 All Natural Summer Baking Camp for Kids at Tal’s

We will be offering 9 weeks of camp this summer. Below are the links for registration, and on each registration page you will find a day-to-day description of the session as well as age recommendations for that week. We encourage you to register early, as space is limited, and we look forward to baking with you this summer!

Program 1 - Age: K - 5th Grade

Tuesday - Friday 10:00 - 12:00

$350 per student

Weeks 1: (6/10 - 6/13), 3: (6/24 - 6/27), 7: (7/22 - 7/25)

Day 1 - Pinwheel Cookies

We will make sugar cookie dough from scratch in different colors and flavors. We will mix ingredients, roll the dough and create pinwheel cookies. While our cookies are baking, we will get creative with fondant.

Day 2 - Cinnamon Rolls

We will make these scrumptious baked goods from scratch, while learning about the magic of yeast. While the rolls are rising and baking, we will mix cream cheese frosting for coating the rolls. If time permits, we will make quick cinnamon bites to enjoy in class!

Day 3 - Oreo Cupcakes

We will make an Oreo cake batter, cracking eggs, measuring, whisking and mixing, and send these yummy bakes to the oven. While the cupcakes are baking, we will prepare an Oreo frosting, and some decorations for our cupcakes.

Day 4 - Bread

Nothing is better than a fresh loaf of bread. We’ll finish off our week making and shaping our own loaves of challah to take home! And don’t forget the challah pizzas for lunch ;)

Program 2 - Age: K - 5th Grade

Tuesday - Friday 10:00 - 12:00

$350 per student

Weeks 2: (6/17 - 6/20), 5: (7/8 - 7/11), and 8: (7/29 - 8/1)

Day 1 - Thumbprint Cookies

We will crack, mix and shape these buttery cookies. We will fill the thumbprint with various toppings and bake to perfection. While our cookies are baking, we will create with fondant!

Day 2 - Chocolate Ganache Cupcakes

We will make and bake a batch of Tal’s famous chocolate cupcake recipe! We will also make chocolate ganache from scratch to fill and decorate our cupcakes.

Day 3 - Homemade Snacks

Most snacks are full of preservatives and unhealthy ingredients. Let’s learn how to make a few basic All Natural snacks for our family!

●Homemade Goldfish- We will make these from scratch, cut into cute shapes and wrap to take home. Comparing our ingredient list to the store bought snacks will make you want to start making these regularly!

●Homemade Pop-Tarts- These cute pockets will be made from scratch, while experimenting with a few different fillings.

Day 4 - Bread

Nothing is better than a fresh loaf of bread. We’ll finish off our week making and shaping our own loaves of challah to take home! And don’t forget the challah pizzas for lunch ;)

Program 3 - Age: 4th Grade and up

$350 per student

Week 4: (6/24 - 6/27)

Tuesday - Friday 1:00 - 3:00

Weeks 6: (7/15 - 7/18), and 9: (8/5 - 8/8)

Tuesday - Friday 10:00-12:00

Have a young pastry chef in the making at home? This hands-on camp offers some useful baking skills and techniques, with a lot of opportunity to get creative. 

This session is all about European baking. From tarts to French macarons, Scones and Italian Focaccia, your young baker is sure to learn a lot and have fun!

Day 1 - Chocolate Tarts

We will craft our tart shells from scratch, make scrumptious chocolate ganache, and fill and decorate our tarts by hand!

Day 2 - French Macarons

Fear not - these daunting French treats may be an advanced recipe, but we know our teens can conquer this challenge and impress any Parisian!

Day 3 - Scones and Bread Prep

We will get busy making Tal’s popular Scones from scratch. While scones are baking, we will work on our bread for the next day by preparing the dough for our wonderful focaccia bread and learning the secrets of yeast. Our dough will be handled and baked the next day!

Day 4 - Focaccia

The bittersweet end of our international adventure leaves us in Italy, where we will be making Focaccia art. It’s time to really let that creativity shine and show us what you can do! And to top it off - no Tal’s camp would be complete without making a challah to take home and share with your family.

We can’t wait to bake with you this summer!